It was a fast trip. My grandma, my mom, my daughter Jordan and I left Thursday morning in the sunshine and ended up in downtown St Louis in the cold rain. We stayed at a fantastic hotel on the 26th floor, in a room with a balcony (which I initially wanted but then realized my fear of heights and about had a panic attack upon stepping outside). We got in late and didn't have time to do much of anything besides dinner and bed. We left first thing the next morning, didn't get to enjoy the hotel much but it was still nice being away and not have to worry about dinner and baths and dogs and such. We rushed to get to the doctor's appointment because traffic around St Louis was bad due to closed highways and road construction (not that this is any different than any other city this time of year but it was hard being in a different city and trying to navigate through). After we made it and checked in, I was called back for multiple x-rays. Then we waited more and finally went back to see Dr Clohisy. He was very professional and seemed to genuinely care about what he does and what he can do to help. He told me that my best option was the periacetabular osteotomy but I had to lose 30 pounds (I've already lost 30) before he would perform the surgery. I was a little overwhelmed considering I have worked really hard to lose my first 30 but in retrospect, I'm glad he pushed the weight issue because it not only gives me a goal but will make surgery, recovery, etc much easier. There was a slot available for surgery in September but I really thought trying to lose 30 pounds in 3 months would be tough and I don't think it would be a very healthy way to lose weight so I opted instead for the November date - November 17, right before Thanksgiving. Not a great time of year to have a major surgery but it will work and it gives me a full six months to lose weight and plan. We were at the office for 3 full hours (after x-rays, consultation, more x-rays, surgery scheduling, etc). My mom and my grandma were worn out but my little girl did wonderful, didn't complain at all - we brought all her Polly Pockets and she had a big time playing with them and talking to another little girl in the waiting room. I was so proud of her! We stopped on the way home and she got a new swimming suit, which she had to wear the entire way home, just adorable!
So I left St Louis in a kind of foggy state, glad to finally have a date so I can get on with my life but nervous, scared, all the emotions I'm sure anyone goes through when theory becomes reality. I also agreed to participate in a couple of studies for Dr Clohisy (why not, if it benefits others) so I filled out an eight page questionnaire about my hip and am wearing a pedometer on my bad leg that measures steps and pressure I put on my leg. I have to wear it until this Saturday and then again after the surgery, no big deal.
While we were sitting in the waiting room, we met another girl from Kansas (her KU t-shirt gave her away) who was also seeing Dr Clohisy for hip dysplasia. It was such an odd coincidence - the waiting room was huge and we just happened to be sitting next to someone going through the exact same thing as me (except bilateral, both hips - I'm lucky and only have one bad hip). We left before she was done scheduling surgery but her grandmother, who drove down with her, said Dr Clohisy also told her she had to lose weight before he would perform the surgery. That made me feel a little better, at least I wasn't the only one!
We got home Friday night at 8pm and left again Saturday morning for my brother's graduation. We had a great time, spent the night at the Plaza in a great hotel, got home Sunday and spent the day outside in the garden. At least now that my surgery is six months off I can finish up my garden, I was concerned I wasn't going to be able to get it done this year and that made me upset but now, watch out ... tomatoes, tomatoes, everywhere there's tomatoes!! My sister-in-law did a great job planning Jim's graduation, the brewery tour, lunch, graduation, happy hour, dinner, drinks after - I think everyone really enjoyed themselves! I enjoyed myself a little too much and put on a little weight this week, I know the wrong way but nobody is perfect :) I'm back on track today and ready to hit my goal! Here's my brother and I after graduation. Jim, I don't care how successful you become, you'll always be my goofy little brother!
Well, since I have six months to go and lots of things to deal with between now and then I'm sure I'll keep everyone updated!